This boy and the things he says..Oh how I love him so <3

So it was snuggle time and I was laying in Bug's bed listening to him tell me random things and then listening to his little belly laughs when I'd reply with "I have no clue what you are saying silly man!". He spotted an itty bitty little spider which he would have normally run from … Continue reading This boy and the things he says..Oh how I love him so <3

Something in the works…!

I am getting so excited about the super secret I've been keeping! I wanna spill the beans so bad but I have learned from past experience that as soon as I talk about an idea out loud someone snatches it so mums the word, for now anyways. It is KILLING me though! I hate keeping … Continue reading Something in the works…!

Man I suck at blogging here lately!

Ok so I'm sure some of you have noticed that I haven't been around much lately! If you don't already know, things in my life tend to get crazy hectic and I have to stop and collect myself before I can process everything and get it all down on screen. All apologies loyal readers! So … Continue reading Man I suck at blogging here lately!

Sleeping in? What’s that?!

Ok so I have some huge spectacular news to share!! Maybe I'm a little over excited because I popped one of my Xanax about an hour ago and I never take those things..either that or it's just sheer exhaustion, anyhow...I am getting off the subject! What the hell was i saying? Hmm...News news...OH yea! I … Continue reading Sleeping in? What’s that?!