Autism Aspergers Mom & Son- You HAVE to watch this short! I saw this on pbs tonight! I cannot tell you how much I love seeing autism stuff on tv that doesn't make me cringe! This little boy reminds me so much of Connor and the way he speaks. Their conversation sounds sooo much like conversations we have. I love her honesty with him.

Natural Cancer Fighter!?

           Sour Sop fruit (graviola) This isn't my meme but I would love to know if this is true! I keep reading about the Sour Sop, a plant that grows in tropical areas in Central America and South America. Every part of the plant including the bark is used for medicinal purposes. Many say that … Continue reading Natural Cancer Fighter!?

Something in the works…!

I am getting so excited about the super secret I've been keeping! I wanna spill the beans so bad but I have learned from past experience that as soon as I talk about an idea out loud someone snatches it so mums the word, for now anyways. It is KILLING me though! I hate keeping … Continue reading Something in the works…!

Why my husband is quite possibly the most embarrassing person on earth

This isn't a new story but unfortunately I fear it will live in my head forever so I'm thinkin maybe if I get it all typed out it will vacate my brain! First off, I should start by saying i don't think my husband "tries" to embarrass the ever-living hell out of me, for some reason … Continue reading Why my husband is quite possibly the most embarrassing person on earth

Man I suck at blogging here lately!

Ok so I'm sure some of you have noticed that I haven't been around much lately! If you don't already know, things in my life tend to get crazy hectic and I have to stop and collect myself before I can process everything and get it all down on screen. All apologies loyal readers! So … Continue reading Man I suck at blogging here lately!

Quit with the whining and complaining.

  Just sitting here today thinking about how grateful I am to be healthy for the most part, and blessed with a beautiful family that loves me. I hear so many people talk about how much they hate their lives. The sad thing is most of them could change their situation..they just don't for whatever … Continue reading Quit with the whining and complaining.