Life juxtaposed.

It's been a while since I've really sat down and painted my mind on the screen so I thought I'd post a lil bloggy blog today! I'm a very "in my head" type person. I'm a deep thinker, always have been. I think about anything and everything and why and how things became the way … Continue reading Life juxtaposed.

Blogging 101- 4 Tips to Improve the Appearance your Blog

Blogging can be a very individual and unique experience for writers but there are several common threads that tie everyone together, no matter what subjects they write about. Here are a few really simple steps that everyone can take to make their blog more appealing and user-friendly. 1. Spend more time on your about me … Continue reading Blogging 101- 4 Tips to Improve the Appearance your Blog


I'm still shook up!! Bug had almost a whole hour tonight where he was totally and completely lucid and stim and script free. For an entire HOUR! He told me more in that hour than I've heard in the past 3 months. He talked seriously about things he never talks about and he spoke with … Continue reading Autism Miracles- 11/12/13 THE NIGHT THE STARS ALL ALIGNED JUST FOR US!!


1. NEVER under-estimate an individual because they are on the spectrum. Some of the most intelligent, interesting, and most capable people I know have Autism.  2. Don't assume that people with autism are emotionless or uncaring if they don't respond in a way you would expect others to respond. Often times people on the spectrum … Continue reading 10 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PEOPLE WHO HAVE AUTISM

Soul Imprints

im·print   im·print·ed, im·print·ing, im·prints 1. To produce (a mark or pattern) on a surface by pressure. 2. To impart a strong or vivid impression of 3. To fix firmly, as in the mind 4.  A distinguishing influence or effect We all walk our own path in life. Some of the people we meet along the way stay with us … Continue reading Soul Imprints

I love this idea! I can’t wait to start a garden!

I have been saying it over and over for years but I truly am going to grow my own garden this year. With all of the horror stories of gmos and frankenfood I am scared to eat anymore! I came across this picture on Facebook today. How cool are these ideas? Picture from Grow food … Continue reading I love this idea! I can’t wait to start a garden!

This boy and the things he says..Oh how I love him so <3

So it was snuggle time and I was laying in Bug's bed listening to him tell me random things and then listening to his little belly laughs when I'd reply with "I have no clue what you are saying silly man!". He spotted an itty bitty little spider which he would have normally run from … Continue reading This boy and the things he says..Oh how I love him so <3

Busy busy busy!!

My fondant figures     Homemade with the finest quality ingredients, no high fructose corn syrup, vegetable, or canola oil in any of my confections. I use healthier alternatives such as extra virgin coconut and sunflower oils. This does not compromise the taste, it makes everything taste even better! I also use 100% vegetarian fed eggs..the … Continue reading Busy busy busy!!