FU Sephora & Kat Von D, You Won’t Get A Dime From Me!

Alright, I don't care if they pulled it off the shelf already or not, I am pissed about this Kat Von D/Sephora lipstick shit. I don't even want to write the name of it on here but for those who don't know it's "Celebutard" How effing stupid is that? ALL involved should be ashamed of themselves! … Continue reading FU Sephora & Kat Von D, You Won’t Get A Dime From Me!


1. NEVER under-estimate an individual because they are on the spectrum. Some of the most intelligent, interesting, and most capable people I know have Autism.  2. Don't assume that people with autism are emotionless or uncaring if they don't respond in a way you would expect others to respond. Often times people on the spectrum … Continue reading 10 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PEOPLE WHO HAVE AUTISM

Why my husband is quite possibly the most embarrassing person on earth

This isn't a new story but unfortunately I fear it will live in my head forever so I'm thinkin maybe if I get it all typed out it will vacate my brain! First off, I should start by saying i don't think my husband "tries" to embarrass the ever-living hell out of me, for some reason … Continue reading Why my husband is quite possibly the most embarrassing person on earth

Sleeping in? What’s that?!

Ok so I have some huge spectacular news to share!! Maybe I'm a little over excited because I popped one of my Xanax about an hour ago and I never take those things..either that or it's just sheer exhaustion, anyhow...I am getting off the subject! What the hell was i saying? Hmm...News news...OH yea! I … Continue reading Sleeping in? What’s that?!