Sleeping in? What’s that?!

Ok so I have some huge spectacular news to share!! Maybe I’m a little over excited because I popped one of my Xanax about an hour ago and I never take those things..either that or it’s just sheer exhaustion, anyhow…I am getting off the subject! What the hell was i saying? Hmm…News news…OH yea! I have some super fantabulous news! The stars have all aligned and I will be engaging in the miracle of sleeping in tomorrow morning!!!! Can you hear the angels all singing in unison?? “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I feel like it’s fn Christmas morning!!! Do I sense some jealousy?? Don’t hate. You will all get to experience this joyous occasion in your own lives one day and I will be here to congratulate you! :) Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite! I’m crusin for some snoozin! Happy Nappy to meeeeeee!!

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